Getting prepared for your dental visit involves more than brushing and flossing your teeth! Being prepared is the first step towards a successful dental visit – so follow the steps below to make sure you are ready. We don’t think going to the dentist should be like pulling teeth. (Get it?!) If you have any questions or need our help, please feel free to call us!
Schedule Your Appointment
Before you come in, schedule an appointment at a time and location that is convenient for you. You should plan for your first visit to take 90 minutes- we want to make sure we have plenty of time to get to know you and your oral health needs. Click here to find the office location nearest you so you can schedule your appointment or click here to request an appointment online.
Fill Out the New Patient Packet
Download your New Patient Packet here. To save time, you can complete the packet before your visit and bring the filled out forms with you to your appointment. If you don’t have time to fill out the forms prior to your appointment that’s okay; please come 15 minutes early to fill out your paperwork. And don’t forget to bring your photo ID and your dental insurance card.
If you are a current patient, let us know if there have been any changes to your overall health, medications or dental insurance before your appointment.
Transfer Your Dental Records
Ask your previous dentist to have your dental records sent to us. The more we know about you and your dental history, the better prepared we will be to address your oral health needs.
If you are a current patient, let us know if you’ve received treatment at another office since your last visit with us.
Confirm Your Appointment
We know you are busy, so we’ll call you a few days before your appointment to give you a courtesy reminder. If something has changed in your schedule and you aren’t able to keep your appointment, just let us know as soon as possible so we can reschedule you for a better time.
Arrive Early
Please arrive for your appointment 15 minutes early. Give yourself enough time to meet our front office staff, fill out any final paperwork, and to sit back and relax!
Be Ready To Ask Questions
Your open communication with our dentists and team is essential to understanding and improving your overall oral health care. If you have any questions or concerns, be prepared to ask the dentist during your appointment. We’re here to address all of your oral health concerns to ensure you leave our office feeling knowledgeable and better prepared to improve your oral health!